28 November 2011

10 Things I am Thankful for

I was actually feeling homesick on Thursday and was a little pouty that I couldn’t even make pumpkin pie not because there has been no butter for a month but because I couldn’t host an orphan’s thanksgiving as I was heading out to the bush for 4 days.  My friend Stuart told me to stop pouting and write down 10 things I was thankful for. 

So although I wasn't able to write on Thursday, on my bush-business trek I did think of the many things I was thankful for:

  1. My family.
  2. Old friends who have been faithfully emailing.
  3. New friends who have made the transition to Juba easy.
  4. My health, I've always been appreciative that I'm healthy but being amidst so many dread diseases/illnesses, I'm even more grateful.
  5. Being able to afford food, even though I haven't had butter in weeks and there has been no yogurt, oats, salad (that's because I already killed my mixed salad greens) I have the luxury in a country where inflation on food prices is over 70% to still be able to afford food and eat pretty well. 
  6. My job, when so many people are unemployed I'm thankful I have one.
  7. After spending time in the villages the past few days I realized I have a pretty cool job that allows me to try and do some good in this world.
  8. This experience, even when it is tough or frustrating, I know I am lucky to have this opportunity.
  9. Hot water, I got a hot water heater in my bathroom and now can take a warm shower, which feels luxurious.
  10. Having grown up with no hardships in a country where I could go to school, use indoor plumbing and not fear civil war.
My friend Stuart the Vegan in front of the 'meet shop'
Please note, we live in Central Equatoriaw

Details on the bush, Egyptian getaway and birthday celebrations to come...


  1. so much to be thankful for! looking forward to hearing more. you are doing amazing work. keep it up.

  2. Greetings from Finland. This blog is nice to explore, through other countries, people, culture and nature. Come and look at you Teuvo kuvat- Teuvos Images and tell us why you friends visit the Teuvo blog, because that will be the blog of the country flag of your country's flag collection to rise higher and higher. Thank you very much Teuvo Vehkalahti Finnish

  3. Dear Marguerite,
    I am filled with thankfulness that we have young folks such as you in this world -- trying to clean up the mess your predecessors made of it!
    The blog is wonderful -- and informative. I am learning about a part of the world for which I have limited knowledge. Thank you for that, too!
