25 August 2009

The Anxious Apt Hunt!

Looking for an apartment in a foreign city when you don't speak the language has got to be the most stressful thing ever (and maybe the dumbest)!!!

I'm not sure if I'm developing an anxiety disorder as I age but I definitely was kicking myself for not looking for an apt online before I arrived, or learning Italian and having a cell phone that worked, or giving myself more than 3 days before school started to find a place to live, checking my bank balance, or maybe bringing a friend (i.e. my Dad) to help me make a HUGE, expensive decision when one is jet-lagged, hungry, confused and knows nothing and no one.    

Despite these shortcomings, I started the apt hunt.  After a hot day of climbing up lots of steps and looking at more than 20 apartments, I realized it was after 7pm and I didn't like anything.  I wanted a bed bigger than a twin, in the center of town, with lots of light, quiet, and maybe 1 other roommate.  However now that I am not working I had to scale down my price range and after seeing lots of dark, moldy flats, outside the city walls and with 6 roommates (not ready to be a start of Real World in Bologna), I realized I needed to make some compromises.  I couldn't swing the sunny, quiet, 1 bedroom, sterile bathroom I shared with nobody in the center of town like I had in SF...I was a student again.  

Eventually I stumbled upon a British student who was living in a 3 bedroom.  It was near the center of town, a 10 min walk to school, close to the train station, sunny, but a 4 story walk-up, super noisy, 2 roommates, 1 bathroom and I'd have to share it with at least 1 boy...ugh! But it had alot of old Italian charm, a balcony, was sparsely furnished and I could sign a 9 month lease...so after a sleepless night and frantic emails to my Dad and Jessa, I signed it!

After moving my stuff in (i.e. dragging my suitcase over cobblestones from the hotel and up steps) and sharing an espresso with my new roommate, I felt my anxiety start to disappear.  It was a little more that I was hoping to spend but my new felt peace of mind suddenly seemed worth it.

Don't worry I will post pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. Marguerite!!!

    How exciting! I'm so glad you found a place and are beginning to settle in. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures!!

    much love and a hug,
