01 September 2009

Settling In!

Hey Everyone!!!

I'm Settled!!  So I apologize for not posting in the last week, but it was full of moving things like buying a cell phone (you get 4000 texts here and the plan is only 10 euros a month!!!), unpacking, stocking up on food, applying for a residence permit (a zillion Italian  forms - difficult!), purchasing Italian health insurance, figuring out the Italian washing machine (an actual very, very hard task), trying to find/buy all those little things I forgot to bring, starting classes, meeting new students, taking my first math test, and at every utterly confusing point compensating by eating gelato!!!!  Yesterday I ate gelato 3 times.  This may be a dangerous coping mechanism.

This translated into a Lemon Gelato

Gelato aside, I feel very excited and fortunate to be here, so far everyone is really nice and I'm meeting some pretty interesting students from around the world!  

My apartment is great, it's in the university district so super busy and lots of life, but has a quiet balcony and tons of sunlight.  I'm living with a British student Andy as well as another American (who we are convinced is a spy - but thats a different story!)  I tried to live with Italians but it was a little difficult to rent an apt when one does not speak the language and needed to sign a 9 month lease.  So I will look for an intercambio but I am committed to learning Italian!  

The view from my bedroom window:                 My Apartment: Via Irnerio 22 (my room is the    3rd from the left and 2nd from the top)

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