02 April 2009


I was definitely a little worried about going from living solo to living with a family again. But when I overslept today (this is the 2nd time this has happened) and was awoken by my host mother 20 minutes before class started (mom, dad, sound familiar?) with coffee waiting for me, I realized it hadn’t taken long to regress. But when I came home and saw my bed made, room cleaned, and then amazing lunch of cream of spinach soup, stewed chicken in tomatillo sauce, fried plaintains, fresh jicama and cucumbers, frijoles, tortillas, all topped off with homemade strawberry ice cream, I realized maybe its not so bad living with parents after all. In fact I think I’m getting used to this;)


  1. Marguerite.... You've got to get back to San Francisco ASAP!! Jessa talks a lot... and I have had to fill in for the lack of "Marguerite talk time". Im getting overworked!! :-)

    Sounds like you're having a great time!!


  2. Hi Matt!!!
    HA HA!!! Its actually part of a secret plan 'extensive communication for the american male ;) I'll try and send more emails ;) How's the recovery?
